Monday, May 31, 2010

Oriho ota, America!

After an 8 hour plane ride to London, a nine hour layover exploring the city, an 8 hour flight to Entebbe, and a 6 hour car drive to Kyrarusozi… we finally made it! The sisters welcomed us with open arms and it took us all of three hours to become best friends with the village kids!

Sister Jacinta teaches at Kyrarusozi Primary School right by the convent, Sister Mary and Sister Beth are both nurses at the health care clinic, and we accompany Sister Edith to Moreau Primary School. We were so excited our first day there and our students greeted us with an adorable welcome song! It only took about 5 minutes for us to realize just how different their Rotoro language is from English. BUSTED.

For the past week, the three of us were each placed to work in a different classroom. Frannie is currently teaching/helping in top class (3 ½ years-five years old), Mary is in Primary 1 (5-7 years old), and Steph is in Primary 2 (7+ years). We have each given at least a lesson a day… and have eaten some “delicious” porridge. It’s hard to resist the water/flour mixture when our students kneel down and give us a full cup saying, “Teach-ah!” Not sure if you will ever hear these three American girls say, “Please, Sir, can I have some more?”

This is just a quick overview of what has been going on in this part of the world.

(Artie singing) These are my obsessions!

Obsession #1: The Sisters! ‘nough said.
Obsession #2: PRICILLA- The most defiant and adorable three and a half year old you will ever meet. While the rest of the class is reciting their alphabet, Pricilla stands silently with a chair on her head. Today, Frannie walked in on Pricilla coloring her nails... with a permanent marker. We always seem to come with new Pricilla stories.
Obsession #3: Village kids- These aren’t the kids that go to our school, but the kids that live right by us. They’ve turned amazing days into unforgettably amazing days. Without a doubt before 5 PM every day, they are waiting for us at our gate. Shout outs: Happy, Ricky, Patience, Yassini, Amidu, Brian, Angel, Jackie, Jombhaim, Johan, Davis, Dalphine, Danny, Miles, Francis, Mary, the other Francis, Shakela, Joseph, Annette, and so many more!
Obsession #4: Monkeys on the road (Yes, we did get out of the car. No serious injuries were inflicted, but two bananas were lost to the cause.)

These are my Anti-Obsessions!

Anti-obsession #1: Turkeys. Thanksgiving has new meaning in our book. So… loud.
Anti-obsession #2: JAFAR- one of the lizards currently cohabitating with us. Frannie explained to him before leaving to teach today, “Jafar, this will no longer be a witty banter between us if I find you in my laundry bag tonight.”
Anti-obsession #3: Monkeys on the road. (Busted! How are we going to get back IN the car?!)
If our power stays, we will update soon! Miss you all… and Sue Sylvester!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha! you girls are too funny. sounds like you are having an ahmazing time. BTW! the glee season finale is next week!!! keep updating the blog... i absolutely love reading it!