Monday, June 7, 2010

News, News!

Last Tuesday, Sister Mary Ann came to visit Kyarusozi from Fort Portal one last time before her departure back to the United States. In honor of her, Sister Edith wanted the P2 class to present a re-enactment of the Last Supper. After struggling the night before to name all 12 apostles, we finally showed up with (we think) 12 correct name tags, sugar biscuits, and Coke. We were pretty sure this was the first “drama” to debut at Moreau Primary School so there was a lot of giggling. Personally, our favourite part was when the students ate their biscuits for about 75% of the performance. After, all of the classes sang songs and presented farewell cards to Sister Mary Ann. We got excited when they sang the songs we taught them (If You’re Happy and You Know It is a BIG hit).

Wednesday was an interesting day and probably our hardest one yet. The three of us witnessed strong disciplinary actions to the students of all ages. We will never be able to support and accept their forms of punishment, but hopefully we can implement some of ours (sup behaviour management)! Heyyyyy Tamara! In all seriousness, tears were shed by all. Steph and Mary both had to excuse ourselves from the classroom because of inappropriate student punishment. Frannie took her student, Rose, to the clinic to treat an open burn wound on her foot only to be stopped because her father didn’t want it to get treated. Rose proceeded to talk home barefoot after, which was heartbreaking. The national holiday, Martyr’s Day, was the next day, so we thankfully took time off.

On Thursday, we went to mass at 10. We emerged almost three hours later… praising God. That night we cooked a delicious, carbolicious Italian feast: garlic bread, pasta, pizza, CHOCOLATE CAKE. Nom. The newly knighted Portia Prebys would be so proud. The sisters and Steph, Claire, Bridgette, and Anne sang happy birthday to Frannie and Mary! So fun! We ended the night with an “uplifting”, true story, Michael Douglas and Ice Man starring film at the brothers across the street. Lions ate EVERYONE. While the closest lion is probably 100 kilometers away, we were terrified walking home in the dark. Father Grasshopper was quick to tell us that the last lion seen in this area was 20 years ago. Mr LaGruth, Thank you for the headlamp! The night ended perfectly with us “borrowing” beer from the sisters’ refrigerator so Frannie could ring in her 21st appropriately. We’re not sure if we gave Jinja enough warning!

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