Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Evidence that we are OBSESSED!

We’re in to our last week of school and this seems to be the most inopportune time to leave because not only do we all know our classes like the back of our hand, but we’ve also become so much more confidant with teaching these children. It has been really fun to bring in some of our American culture into Uganda and have them teach some of the same ideas through a Ugandan perspective. We wish we could take all of the kids home with us, but since we’re still waiting to hear back about our visas, we decided to give you some bios on a few of our students!

Pricilla (Baby)- Our first reaction when we tried to sum her up was simply “Oh God”, in the best possible way! She is in baby class, but is known around the school. She is the Queen Bee and the rules do not apply for her. Recently, Frannie has taken to checking her pockets before she leaves because she has found beads, multiple pieces of sidewalk chalk, markers, etc, etc, etc. Even the teachers all have a soft spot for Pricilla! Her favourite English sentence is “I want porridge”.

Hassan (Top)- ADHD poster child. Frannie once counted the frequency of how many times Hassan got out of his chair during a lesson. 23 times in 45 minutes. Solid. He loves to talk in class and will repetitively say, “Teach-ah, teach-ah, teach-ah” until you call on him. However, he gets so excited by this point that he stutters and cannot get his words out! He is adorable and so smart! He was the first one to memorize all of the words to “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” and during class will not let the book out of his lap. We are all obsessed with him-he is one of the first ones to run out the door to greet us with a hug and huge grin each morning. It truly melts our hearts.

Symon (Top) and Sylvia (Baby) – First off, Uganda really seems to like alliterations when naming children in a family. This brother and sister duo are very quiet and sweet and oh so endearing! The each have matching bald heads and bushy eyebrows-Peter Gallagher has a run for his money.

Vicky (P1) – Obsession. Vicky is only five but in Mary’s P1 class while her little sister Vivian is 3 ½, but bigger than her! Mary’s heart breaks every time she sees Vicky ride away on a bicycle instead of walking home with Mary. Crack. Everyone in P1 is equally as obsessed with Vicky and cannot resist picking her up. If you just say Vicky’s name, she gets a huge smile on her face and just scrunches her nose! Today, much to Mary’s delight, Frannie picked up Vicky and placed her on Mary’s back. Mary and Vicky were beaming.

Francis (Baby) and Patience (P2) – Cannot get enough of the siblings! Francis is the wild and disruptive student that you cannot help but love! He is constantly yelling, tugging, jumping, spinning, running-name an action, he is doing it. Whereas Patience, the first three weeks, did not speak. Her soft-spoken temperament is so elegant and charming. Patience may not always understand English and Steph, but somehow she convinces Steph she knows what is going on!

Junior aka Junie (not technically enrolled) – Junie is the son of Rebecca, a nurse at the clinic. They live on the staff housing right next to the school giving Junie free reign! Almost daily, he will just appear in one of the classrooms ready to learn! When he is not joining a class, he is attached to a rolling tire on the playground. The three of us really cannot get enough of him!

Livingstone (P1) – He is probably the most unmotivated student in Mary’s class when it comes to math, English, science, etc. However, his face lights up when Mary gives lessons teaching music or art and he really excels. Some days, he even starts songs for Mary. Last Friday, when Mary was out in the hallway creating an example handprint lady bug, Livingstone walked by and exclaimed, “ MAWE! Sank you Teach-ah Mary!”.

Deus (P2) and Nicholas (P1) – These two are not siblings but share too many similar characteristics. Competitive. Check. Manipulative. Check. Disruptive. Check. Out of control. Check. Both of these students really try Mary and Steph’s patience yet hearing their laugh or a simple gesture of one of them bringing a gift of fruit, makes up for all of the rough moments. Moreau would be different without you and we would never want to know what that is like.

Allen (P2) – She does not understand a gosh-darn-thing! But when she does, Steph wets herself. Her eyes and her pants.

Provia (Top, take two) – Provia is one of the oldest girls in Top class and one of the most creative. Any project from tissue-paper butterflies to drawing a girl, Provia’s is always the most colourful and well-done. She is popular with every class, every girl, boy, and teacher. She has a very go-with-the-flow wonderful personality!

Joseph and Cecilia (P1) – TWINS! Joseph is a genius. Anytime Mary is looking for that student example, she always calls on the one and only, Joseph Kato. He is also the star athlete of P1. If he went to high school in America, he would be Prom King. Cecilia is one of the hardest working students in P1 but sometimes struggles with her work. At home, Joseph always helps Cecilia with her math homework. So cute.

Well, this is starting to take too long and too much room. However, we are still obsessed so we are going to give you the rest of students but shorten it to one word descriptions…or we will try!

Baby Class

Marvin – cutest smile (he recently lost teeth!), worst foot infection
Vivian – thumb-sucking cuddler
Bridget – a little American Girl doll
Rugen – tattletale crier but so great
Michael – thought he was mute but now cannot stop talking
Prossy – quiet and stoic
Elizabeth – always wears a frilly dress with combat boots and the best grin
Erina and Barbara – best friends connected at the hip
Rose – happily independent
Akimu – sassy
Danny – oldest in baby: SIX
Edison – biggest stomach, huge snuggle-bear
Joshua – loves to cover his face in chalk
Jennifer – loves to swing and hang on everyone
Clever – sister of Jennifer who will forever be the girl that threw-up during fingerpainting
Rachel – has a face that you just want to squeeze
Pricilla – see above
Francis – see above
Sylvia – see above

Top Class

Ahmed – so smart and has the best strut, the kid cannot just “walk” anywhere
Joshua – wonderfully gigantic ears that matches his wonderfully gigantic personality
Marion – always must have her way, she sits in a red chair every day
Mackine – best friend of Marion, when she goes for short call, Mackine goes for short call
Jackline – Best. Smile. Ever.
Peter – silent and rather frightening
Joseph – attention-seeker
Rosset – calm but so smart
Lendon – split-personality
Sarah – slightly mischievous but her smirk gets her out of everything
Shadia – WAKE UP
Adolf – I hope you never get teeth, everyone loves his gap smile
Joseph – loves to cover his hands in chalk
Hassan – see above
Symon – see above


Joram- his smile is contagious
Abdallah- constantly gives me blank stares
Timothy- SO stubborn… doesn’t listen
Edrine- Muhhh girl- so genuine
Joseph- see above
Richard- so smart and so good at football
Derek- big eyes
Sophia- you remind me of Mater from Cars- so wise
Prime- the second she meets your eyes, she giggles and looks the other way
Anna- loves to sing
Vicky- see above
Cecilia- see above
Lillian- she is always so proud of her work
Dalphine- skinny clinger and always by Mary at recess
Irene- so shy
Nicholas- see above
Emmanuel- butthead
Livingstone- see above
Nivia- “This is my student, Edrine. This is my other student, Edrine’s sister.”
Kellen- always works to the best of her ability

P2 Class

Karoline – addictive lovable personality
Bridget – Class boss
Winnie – little elf, little sassy
Sonia – older sister of Edrine and Nivia, you earn your name
Laudel – “Hey you guys!” so gooney
Deus – see above
Florence – you make Steph want to teach more everyday
Patience – see above
Abraham – calm and silent
Olivah – skinny, big head, big voice
Adella – only in class half of the time
Harriet – know-it-all, but really she knows everything taught to her
Allen – see above
Arnold – punk who always gets what he wants; and he’s smart about it
Annita – your laugh gets you out of re-doing your work
Rose – tomboy
John – all-around good guy


1 comment:

Maire said...

It's amazing how much kids all over the world have so much in common! Keep up the great work ladies! I'm sure the impact you are having on these kids lives is larger than you can even imagine. I've enjoyed reading your posts. Miss and love you all. Safe travels home!